Community News Update - April 13, 2022

Dear Community,

We now have 1,332 people hospitalized with Covid, while ICU numbers remain steady at 150.  Yet another reminder that this pandemic is far from over. We need to continue to demand real action from the government, and remember how earlier pandemic responses let down the most vulnerable.

In the absence of a better government response, I should remind everyone that vaccines remain one of the best available tools to fight the pandemic. Eventually we will all need another booster shot. For now, fourth doses of the COVID vaccine are available to individuals aged 60 and over, as well as First Nation, Inuit and Métis individuals and their non-Indigenous household members aged 18 and over.

Fourth doses are being offered at a recommended interval of 5 months after receiving the third dose. Book at, 1-833-943-3900 or at participating pharmacies.

I recently rose in the legislature to give my last members statement of this session. I took the opportunity to call out the shameful neglect of are social safety net, and for an end to austerity measures that have left so many unsupported and isolated. You can see my speech here.

Coming up, on April 20th, there is also the CP Planning’s workshop on empowering racialized people to build and implement planning solutions to speed up the development of affordable housing and increase security for racialized renters. Ontario lives a housing crisis, and initiatives such as this are so important so that we have more actors discussing how to make housing more affordable. More information at

Chag Sameach to my Jewish constituents celebrating Passover, starting this Friday evening. The story of Passover celebrates the liberation of an oppressed people from slavery. It also commemorates a series of terrible plagues. I know that Passover has taken on a special meaning for many over these last years, and even though we have often been let down by our political leadership and suffered far longer than necessary, I still think that we can look forward to better times ahead.

Finally, this weekend is Easter weekend. Happy holidays to everyone celebrating. Because of the holiday, there will not be another newsletter until next Wednesday, April 20.

In Solidarity,
Jill Andrew
Toronto—St. Paul's


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