Community News Update - April 17, 2023
Dear Community,
Tonight, on National Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah), we remember the murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany and their allies between 1938 and 1945.
This was just part of the killing of 17 million people for their disability, political views, sexuality, race or religion.
The Holocaust is a reminder of our shared duty to stand up to hatred. Never forget.
Soutenez le système d’éducation francophone en Ontario
Dites-nous comment la pénurie d'enseignants francophones vous a affecté.
Francophone teachers, please share your feedback with MPPs Pasma and Stiles HERE!
On Saturday, April 21, the Fairbank Village BIA will be hosting a community cleanup event from 11AM - 1PM! Meet outside their office at 1988 Eglinton Ave W to get involved!
Low income individuals may be interested in making use of The Stop's Free Tax Clinic, which is open from March 1 to April 28! See below for more information!