Community News Update - April 21, 2023

Dear community

Muslim Ontarians have marked the end of the holy month of Ramadan and commenced the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr! May this joyous occasion bring all in the Muslim communities peace, happiness, and prosperity.

Eid Mubarak!

Each year across Ontario, thousands of lives are lost to overdoses. We need every level of government to prioritize implementing harm reduction strategies to combat these senseless deaths, and you can help.

As many of you know, Naloxone is a medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, and these kits are FREE with training at participating pharmacies across the city. Together, we can prevent unnecessary deaths and work toward a more compassionate society that is safe safe for everyone.

Find a pharmacy with Naloxone kits near you, and make sure you can recognize the signs of an overdose.

As the Public Service Alliance of Canada strike action continues, our Ontario NDP continues to stand with them on the picket line urging the Federal government to pick up its feet, get to the table and bring forth a fair deal that pays federal workers a rate that simply keeps up with the cost of living. That's their ask which is far from "too big" when many of their members are getting by on just $30-60k a year.

In their words, the government's offer to increase - amounting to a cut with inflation, by just 2%. That's for milk.

Read our Leader Marit Stiles' statement to the Federal government here. Interested in showing out in support for PSAC workers? Find your closest picket here.

As the sun comes out more and more, inviting us back outside to do good for community, I encourage folks to get in touch with Nia Centre for the Arts. As Canada's first, and now award-winning, professional Black arts centre, they are looking for volunteers to help facilitate their creative programming. 

If this sounds like you, submit your details to be a part of their incredible work here.

If you live in the Frankel Lambert neighbourhood bordered by Christie St, Melita Ave, Shaw St. and the CPR tracks, you are invited to their first AGM as an incorporated non-profit community organization! See below for more details.

On Saturday, April 21, the Fairbank Village BIA will be hosting a community cleanup event from 11AM - 1PM! Meet outside their office at 1988 Eglinton Ave W to get involved!

Unsmoke Canada and The Great Outdoors Fund are offering grants for organizations to host an Unsmoke Canada cleanup event in their area, focused on collecting and recycling litter and cigarette waste.  

The grants (up to $5,000) are targeted for non-profit organizations with a connection to nature, outdoor recreation, outdoor conservation, health and wellness, volunteer engagement, and/or community service.
Interested organizations can apply here before May 5, 2023.

Low income individuals may be interested in making use of The Stop's Free Tax Clinic, which is open from March 1 to April 28! See below for more information!

In Solidarity, 

Jill Andrew
Toronto-St. Paul's

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