Community News Update - August 23, 2024
Dear Community,
Earlier this week the Ford government announced their plan to close 10 supervised consumption sites (SCS) across the province, including five in Toronto. With this announcement, the government also expressed their plans to introduce legislation that would block municipalities and community service providers from setting up new consumption sites or participating in safe supply programs. Let me be clear, this announcement will have devastating impacts on our local community in St. Paul's, Toronto, and across Ontario.
Harm reduction saves lives. This callous announcement will result in death. We are in the midst of an opioid epidemic of devastating proportions. Community members are dying—these are our children, parents siblings, aunts, uncles, friends, and neighbours. Addiction affects us all.
For many, SCSs are the first point of contact for a broad range of community services and support. In fact, TWO government-commissioned reports have recognized that consumption treatment service (CTS) sites are central to our collective efforts to support our neighbors experiencing homelessness, mental health challenges, and addiction. They are a crucial piece in the ecosystem of recovery. The value of providing life-saving services cannot be understated, ignored, swept aside, or worse, criminalized as Doug Ford aims to do.
At a time when we should be meeting the moment with urgent investment, Doug Ford is choosing to ignore the evidence and further stigmatize those suffering for his own political gain. Where is his compassion? There is a humanitarian crisis at our doorstep!
This morning, I met with community service organizations from across St. Paul's who were impacted by the announcement. I'd like to thank Erin and Hannah from Unison Health & Community Services, Bill from The Neighbourhood Group (TNG), Amy from John Howard Society, and Dr. Cheng from Street Haven for sharing the dangers of this plan.
I am deeply grateful for their input on how these changes will impact community members here in St. Paul's and across Toronto. To quote, Bill Sinclair, "you cannot hide people, you have to help people" — and, this is something Ford's plan has no interest in doing.
Community, I am angry. We deserve a government that follows the evidence and acts with compassion, not fear. I will continue to echo the calls of municipalities, local communities, and experts in public health, mental health, and addictions. We all deserve better.
In today's newsletter
Recognizing that it's impossible to capture a full week of news in a single newsletter, please see the highlights below:
- My Back-to-School Supplies Drive
- CAMH's report on student mental health and well-being
- Highlights from the AMO Conference
- Highlights from the UNIFOR Conference
- Return of Randy's Patties
- Meeting with TAPA
- Meeting with Harm Reduction Organizations in Toronto—St. Paul's
- Upcoming community events!
School Supplies Drives
This Saturday and Sunday, I am hosting my annual Back-to-School Supplies Drives. These events are an opportunity to connect with families across St. Paul's and ensure our young learners are equipped with the supplies they need to start the year off strong!
We ask that folks NEW school supply items if they can, and take what they need - no questions asked. We'll also have FREE ice cream and water on site to keep us cool. It's going to be a hot one this weekend. Please note that a supply contribution to our table is not required. All are welcome to join!
Saturday, August 24th
Cy Townsend Park (455 Winona Drive), 11 AM to 1 PM
Click here to RSVP
Saturday, August 25th
Click here to RSVP
Mental Health & Well-Being of Ontario Youth
CAMH released a report earlier this week that revealed more than HALF of middle & high school students in Ontario experience psychological distress. We urgently need more mental health supports in our schools.
Our youth, Ontario's future, are dealing with eating disorders, bullying, concerning rates of gender, faith and raced based hatred, feelings of isolation, sentiments of loneliness and the weight of inadequacy and low self esteem.
Too many of our young learners are struggling, and this impacts their abilities to do well in the classes they love attending. The Ford government has failed them, and I will continue to advocate on their behalf by calling for much needed investment in our classrooms and beyond!
Click here to read more.
AMO 2024
This week at the Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) conference, we renewed our call to hold elected officials accountable for workplace misconduct. This long-promised PC bill has been in the works for a long time; however, action is yet to be taken by this government!
We all deserve to feel safe at work and political offices are no different. I was proud to stand with Women of Ontario Say No back in February (and many times since!) to call for provincial legislation to ensure anti-harassment laws apply in municipal offices just like they would in any other workplace — people found guilty of harassment and abuse must be held accountable. Women, particularly Black, Indigenous and women of colour, deserve to feel (and must be) safe at every level of government. This legislation is critical to ensuring politics is a safe place for all.
We've heard reports that Ford's own bill on this issue has been ready for years, so what's the hold up? The issue has widespread support. It's time to ACT.
Click here to read more.
Also at AMO, we announced our new deal for cities and Northern Ontario communities. Our plan would reverse DECADES of underfunding across our province and put resources back into the hands of municipalities, especially our long-neglected communities in Northern Ontario. It's time the province commits to helping build strong and caring communities across our province.
Our plan includes:
- A province-wide Social and Economic Prosperity Review of how infrastructure is funded in small, rural, and Northern municipalities that are facing disproportionate challenges with fewer financial resources in a changing climate.
- Upload back provincial financial responsibility for affordable housing, shelters, and homelessness prevention programs, while maintaining locally focused delivery by municipal service managers.
- The restoration of 50% provincial funding for municipal transit net operational costs.
- A commitment to get Ontario back to building affordable homes through Homes Ontario - the Ontario NDP’s plan to provide significant new provincial investments in public, non-profit and co-op housing, in partnership with municipal service managers.
- The application of a rural and Northern lens to the development of this new partnership that recognizes the unique challenges and opportunities facing those communities.
Click here to read more.
Unifor Conference
It was an incredible honour to deliver the keynote at the UNIFOR Canada Women's Conference. What a packed and uplifting room you created! Thank you for inviting me to 'RISE' with you all and share a bit about what keeps my sails up despite the storms!
Randy's Patties Returns
Today, I had the pleasure of attending the GRAND RETURN of Little Jamaica and Toronto—Paul's favourite, Randy's Patties. I have enjoyed these patties since I was a child, and today, I was reminded of so many fond memories.
Patty's are the street food of this city; you can find them in every neighbourhood, in school cafeterias, in shopping centres, and on your descent into several subway stations across the map.
They are the golden treat we all love to eat, and today, I saw people from every borough in the GTHA standing in line waiting to feast. Ontarians of all ages walked into Randy's excitedly and walked out with huge smiles and a bag full of patties. Grandparents brought their grandchildren, old friends reunited, and new faces were introduced to this long-standing staple on Eglinton West.
For the Love of Arts! Meeting with TAPA
Yesterday, I met with the Toronto Alliance for Performing Arts to discuss the dire financial situation of arts organizations across Toronto — and the province! This government's chronic underfunding of the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) has left the arts and culture sector on the precipice of collapse. Tens of thousands of jobs are on the line—and yes, artists, performers, musicians, and cultural workers ARE workers—and we CANNOT afford to lose them. As I've said before, investment in the arts is an investment in public health, it's investment in community wellness, and an investment in our futures.
TAPA is calling for a deep increase to OAC funding NOT just to stabilize the sector, but so it can grow and prosper! I am proud to support their calls.
Art à la Carte - Celebrating Ontario Artists
Art à la Carte provides Ontario artists with the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents with visitors to the In Camera Dining Room at the Legislative Building. Selected artwork will be featured in an exhibit for one year. It is not a requirement that artwork is for sale; however, if it is, interested buyers will be connected with the artist.
Applications will be accepted from July 10 to August 25, 2024.
Click here for eligibility, the application form, and Q&As
Come celebrate beloved author, Nadia L. Hohn's new book — and the 10th of her career!
Her new book Getting us to Grandma's, illustrated by TeMika Grooms and published by Groundworm Books, is one for the 80s babies and will take readers on a fantastic voyage from Toronto to the Bronx. Don't miss out on this exciting launch and celebration of Nadia's career.
Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024
Time: 1:30-3:30 PM
Where: Oakwood Village Library and Arts Centre, 341 Oakwood Avenue, just north of St. Clair Avenue
Click here to RSVP.
Appletree Markets & Events, the Happy Pelvis, and Endometriosis Events are bringing an Endo Expo Wellness Market to our Davisville Village community. September 17th from 3 to 7 pm, you can shop health and wellness products and support those affected by endometriosis and pelvic health issues.
Date: Wednesday, September 17th
Time: 3:00 to 7 pm
Location: June Rowlands Park
The Yonge + St Clair BIA is looking for local artists to help beautify the Midtown community. See their callout below:
Two inspirational art opportunities:
1. Help turn two mundane electrical boxes into a nature themed mural🌳… and/or
2. Turn a plain brick wall into an iconic mural embodying the local culture🎭
🗣️Apply now: Link here
📆Deadline: Sept 2, 2024
These require two separate proposals from individual artists OR a team of artists.
Saturday, September 21st, the Oakwood Vaughan Community Organization will be distributing free tree saplings, in large pots between 10 AM to 7 PM.
Location: Pick-up is done locally
Pre-registration is required. Please include your name, contact information, and what type of tree(s) you would like. These trees are for private properties only, that a person has permission to plant on, and are provided by a City of Toronto Forestry Grant.
For more information, contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
Bring the entire family and enjoy our FREE movies in the park! Mount Pleasant Village BIA presents a different film favourite each Tuesday night starting July 30th, 2023. All shows start at dusk. Bring a chair and a blanket. The BIA will also be collecting donations for the Daily Bread Food Bank each Tuesday night.
July 30th will start at 8:45 PM.
Location: Manor Community Green - 196 Manor Rd East
Forest Hill Village BIA's much-loved acoustic concert series, Music in Suydam Park is back for another season!
Concerts take place every Saturday afternoon from 1-3 pm throughout July, August and September. Weather permitting.
Click here for their full concert schedule!
Check out the new exhibition at James Rottman Fine Art!
John Eric Laford: OJIBWE LEGENDS
Exhibition Dates: July 13 - September 14, 2024
Location: 830 St Clair Avenue West
Tues to Saturday, 11 am to 5 pm and/or by appointment.
Born on the West Bay of Manitoulin Island in Ontario, John Eric Laford was a celebrated Anishinaabe Canadian artist who passed away in 2021. Laford was inspired by the Ojibwe legends and stories of his elders on Manitoulin Island. Laford was the grandson of hereditary chief Dominic Migwans and Ann Commando.
In this exhibition visitors to the gallery will enjoy Laford's interpreted visions, stories and legends of his elders through the artist's dynamic and visually striking paintings. Laford used various materials including paper, birch bark, canvas, pine, cedar and pipestone as surfaces to depict his stories in paint. The artist's works are poignant studies of all creation, including the spirits, elders, animals, birds and plants.
Laford's paintings have been collected and exhibited by The Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, The Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, British Columbia, The Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, and several other public art museums worldwide.
I would like to share this appeal for volunteers from Sprint Senior Care. Volunteers are needed to:
- Deliver healthy and affordable meals to seniors
- Provide security checks
- Reduce Isolation
You will need to have a car and a valid driver's license to help, but gas reimbursements are available. To volunteer call 416-481-0669 ext. 8723 or e-mail [email protected]
Wychwood Barns Farmers' Market
- Every Saturday from 8 AM to 1 PM at the Wychwood Barns
Davisville Farmers' Market
- Every Tuesday from 3 PM to 7 PM in June Rowlands Park
The Eglinton Way Farmers' Market
- Every Sunday from 8 AM to 1 PM at 125 Burnaby Blvd.
Afro-Caribbean Farmers' Market
- From 11 AM to 3 PM on July 7th, 21st and 28th and August 11th and 25th, and September 8th, 22nd and 29th at Reggae Lane (1531 Eglinton Ave W - Green P Parking Lot)
The Black Fashion & Beauty Gala is making its return September 29th, 2024. This year's theme is The Awakening of Black Fashion: A Journey of Resilience and Creativity.
Click here to learn more about this year's event.
Learn4Life Registration Opens August 14th
Looking for something fun to do this fall? The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) offers a wide range of Adult General Interest and Seniors Daytime classes through the Learn4Life program. These classes provide an excellent opportunity to learn new skills, stay active, and connect with others in your community. Led by expert instructors, Learn4Life offers courses in Arts, Business, Computers, Cooking, Crafts, Dance, Finance, Fitness, Languages, Music, Sports, Sewing, and much more! Registration opens on August 14th.
Click here to learn more about.
Each year across Ontario, thousands of lives are lost to overdoses. We need every level of government to prioritize implementing harm reduction strategies to combat these senseless deaths, and you can help.
As many of you know, Naloxone is a medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, and these kits are FREE with training at participating pharmacies across the city. Together, we can prevent unnecessary deaths and work toward a more compassionate society that is safe safe for everyone.
Find a pharmacy with Naloxone kits near you, and make sure you can recognize the signs of an overdose.
In solidarity,
Dr. Jill Andrew, PhD
MPP, Toronto-St. Paul's