Community News Update - August 25, 2021

Dear Community,

Today, Ontario has reported another 660 cases of COVID-19, and one new death. Across the country, we are continuing to see an increase in COVID-19 cases, with the majority of cases being found in unvaccinated individuals.

Right now in Ontario, 82.4% of eligible Ontarians have received at least one dose, and 75.3% are fully vaccinated.

If you have not yet gotten vaccinated, I would encourage you to get your shot right away.

You can find a vaccination site here.

One thing that is clear, is that we’re going to need a system to confirm the vaccination status of folks in Ontario. While we’ve seen movement on this in other provinces, the Ford government is still refusing to implement such a plan here at home.

This morning, there was a rumour spreading that the Ford government actually were planning on introducing some sort of system in the coming weeks. Well, it did not take long for the Ford government to shut down this rumour, and reiterate that they are not planning on introducing such a system.

Bluntly, their continued refusal to implement a vaccination certificate program is an enormous policy failure and will make it more difficult for our communities to return to some semblance of normal. Already, we are hearing from many industries that they are planning to either require a vaccination, or a proof of negative test. Ensuring that there is something secure that everyone can use will be essential.

The Ford government’s refusal to act is just bad policy, and they need to change tracks on this immediately. I will continue to push for a certificate program in the Ontario Legislature, and if you believe that we need to implement vaccine certificates, you can sign my petition here.

As a reminder, we’ll be running our Community Food Tables again this weekend, and as always, we are looking for volunteers to help!

If you’d like to register for a shift, you can sign up at one of the links below.

This morning, I had the pleasure of visiting the Ballmatics facility on Dupont, along with my good friend, NDP MPP Marit Stiles from Davenport. Ballmatics run an incredible set of programs that fuse mathematics and sports in beautiful harmony. The facility is currently under construction, with phase one complete and phase two underway. Right now, they are running basketball camps for young people, as well as some elite teams too. We are blessed to have them working actively in our neighbourhood!

I can’t wait to return to the facility to check out what it’ll look like once the construction is complete!

If you’re interested in finding out more about their work, you can click here.

Finally, I want to share a bit of bittersweet news with the community. The Oakwood Village BIA is looking for a new coordinator (link here for more information). After three years, their current, terrific coordinator Aadila is leaving the position. I want to send a heartfelt thank you to Aadila for her tremendous work over the past three years, and I wish her all the best as she moves on from here.

In Solidarity,


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