Community News Update - December 4, 2020

Dear Community,

As we begin another weekend, many of us are turning our thoughts to the holiday season that is just around the corner, and as with all things impacted by COVID-19, this year things are going to look very different.

While families will have different plans for how they gather, I think it’s important to highlight that it is key that we don’t allow this holiday season to be the flashpoint for another significant jump in COVID-19 case counts. Let’s hope that while we gather virtually this year – next year we can return to some degree of normalcy. Recently, the province has released their guidance on how to we should go about our holiday plans most safely – and I would encourage everyone to check out that information here.

As we get into the holiday spirit, I am happy to share with you an exciting event being organized tomorrow by the Hillcrest BIA, who are holding their annual tree lighting ceremony virtually this year! This is a fantastic event, and if you’re interested in finding out more information you can check out their Instagram page here (and give them a follow while you’re there!).

Another BIA in our community doing great work is the Eglinton Way BIA who are now running two different holiday contests this year! With their QR Code scavenger hunt and an Instagram contest, they are looking to bring a little safe fun to this holiday season.

To participate in the QR Code scavenger hunt, all you need to do is scan the QR Codes on store windows along Eglinton and add your email for a chance to win $300. For the Instagram contest, you simply need to drop by one of their two, holiday backgrounds located at 424 and 465 Eglinton Ave W, snap a picture and post it to Instagram – remembering to tag @EglintonWay! Again, here they will be drawing for a winner for another $300 gift card!

For more details and information, check out their website here.

Sadly, the holidays are not a happy time for everyone, and for those who are already living rough, the winter brings another whole new set of challenges for them.
Today, my colleagues and I released a statement calling on the Ford government to help those experiencing homelessness in Toronto. We desperately need more resources, and today we are demanding that the Ford government ensures everyone in Toronto’s encampments can access permanent housing and make a real effort to prevent more people from becoming unhoused.

You can read the full statement here.

In Solidarity,

Jill Andrew


This week in the House

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to speak to The Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, a day where we recognize the terrible toll that gender-based violence takes on women in Ontario every year.

You can watch the full clip here.

I was also able to speak on Bill 61, An Act to Proclaim Eating Disorders Awareness Week here in Ontario, my private member's bill that I have been pushing forward in the Legislature for some time now. I had the honour of presenting my case for the bill, and I’d love for you to check it out.

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