Community News Update - December 8, 2023
Dear Community,
Yesterday at sundown marked the first night of Chanukah. My best wishes to Jews in our community who are lighting menorahs, eating latkes or sufganiyot, and celebrating in whatever way is meaningful to them.
The story of enduring light at the darkest time of the year that is at the heart of this festival honours Jewish people's survival and humanity's resilience. It is said that the Jews of over two thousand years ago lit the Temple menorah, even though they knew it couldn't possibly burn long enough. Let us all recommit to a brighter future, even when it doesn't seem possible. Happy Chanukah!
This morning, the conservative's Metrolinx million-dollar man, Phil Verster called a press conference to announce updates on the Eglinton Crosstown LRT. The announcement? Nothing! Folks, we still don't have an opening date.
Residents and small businesses in our own Eglinton neighbourhood have suffered long enough through years of disruptions, road closures, and construction noise. Many small businesses have gone under and others are at the breaking point. Enough is enough!
This announcement was yet another opportunity for them to pat themselves on the back for building a pretty new Eglinton station with NO date on completion or actual functionality.
Toronto–St. Paul’s deserves better!
Read the full ONDP press release here.
I would like to send my deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the 50-year-old woman struck and killed at St Clair Avenue W and Winona Drive. I am devastated. This is so heartbreaking for our entire community. Pedestrians deserve to be safe on our streets. This comes after a woman was struck by a vehicle in Midtown only a short time ago. Increased protections for pedestrians in this province are long overdue and must be a priority. Let this be a reminder for all road users, especially drivers, to take extra precautions.
I’d also like to thank the first responders who came to this woman’s aid. For more information, click here.
Today, myself and my staff completed Naloxone Training at our Community Office. Thank you to Andrew and Patrick from Toronto Public Health's The Works program for the excellent training. Harm reduction saves lives. Full stop.
These kits are an integral part of how we can help folks in our community, while government continues to overlook the opioid, mental health, and rehab crises. Each year across Ontario, thousands of lives are lost to overdoses. We need every level of government to prioritize implementing harm reduction strategies to combat these senseless deaths, and you can help.
Naloxone is a medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, and these kits are FREE with training at participating pharmacies across the city. Together, we can prevent unnecessary deaths and work toward a more compassionate society that is safe for everyone.
Find a pharmacy with Naloxone kits near you, and make sure you can recognize the signs of an overdose.
Thank you to The Works for all the work you do for our community!
Calling all poets of St. Paul's and beyond! The Legislative Assembly of Ontario is seeking nominees for the next Poet Laureate of Ontario. The role was created in 2019 in honour of the late Gord Downie.
The application is open until January 15, 2024. Click here for more information.
Run, run as fast as you can... to the Yonge + St Clair Gingerbread Festival!
The 2023 Toronto Gingerbread Festival returns Thursday, December 7 – Monday, December 18th, 2023! Experience 12 festival days across 3 event sites located centrally at Yonge + St. Clair, packed with gingerbread inspired activities for guests of all ages.
With more than 500 attendees at the Toronto Gingerbread Festival launch alone last year, the Yonge + St. Clair BIA wanted to expand its festival scope to build more than just gingerbread houses, which is why we are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Habitat for Humanity to raise funds to help build homes across the city.
Saturday, December 9th at 3 PM join the AppleTree Group for some Midtown Merriment in June Rowlands Park! Their holiday community tree decorating event is back for the first time since 2019.
Bring your favourite holiday ornament and join them for a cup-o-cheer at the park garden. Click here for more information.
Sunday, December 10 from 11 AM to 5 PM, the Disability Collective and Wagner-Green Centre for Access and Inclusion are hosting the Disability Holiday Market at Artscape Wychwood Barns (601 Christie St).
The Disability Holiday Market features work created by disabled artists and celebrates the diversity of the holiday season in Toronto. The event includes:
- Artist and community vendors
- Community card making station
- Cozy corner
- Holiday photo booth
Visit the link for more information!
Until December 15th, support the Weston Mount Dennis Service Provider's Network Winter Coat Drive!
The items needed are brand new or gently used winter coats and winter gear.
Items can be dropped off at the Weston King Neighbourhood Centre at 2017 Weston Rd. For more information, contact 416-241-9898.
December 17th! St. Matthew’s United Church & the TOGOGOS present a Christmas Goodies and Crafts Fair from noon to 3 PM at St. Matthew's United Church (729 St Clair Ave W).
Join them in the church parlour of seasonal baked goods, boxes of organic chocolates, cozy handmade quilts and knitted items, special note cards, stocking stuffers, and more!
The Stop's Holiday Boxes are back!
Now's your chance to preorder a wonderful holiday gift box with 13 specialty items perfect for the holiday season! The boxes will be available for pick up at the market itself on Saturday, December 9th and December 16th between 9 AM and 1 PM. Community members who are unable to travel can arrange delivery at the email below. All proceeds will support the Stop Community Food Centre, your local market, and your community!
To reserve a box today and for more info email the [email protected].
In Ontario, 1,400 people on average are waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant while thousands more are in need of a life-changing tissue donation. They are our friends, neighbours, colleagues, and, in some cases, members of our own families.
When you register as a possible organ and tissue donor, you have the potential to change the story for someone in need.
One donor can help over 80 people get back to life.
Register your consent to become an organ and tissue donor after your death and tell your family so they can help honour your wishes.
Did You Know?
- Any Ontario resident who is 16 years or older and has an Ontario health card is eligible to register as an organ and tissue donor
- Everyone has the potential to be an organ and/or tissue donor, regardless of age or health.
- People from every major religion have donated. Many religions support donation or respect and individual’s choice.
- The first and foremost concern for health care professionals is to save lives. Only when a life cannot be saved does organ and tissue donation become an option.
- It takes two minutes to register or check your status at You can also register in person at any ServiceOntario location.
More information about the donation process, who can register, and the importance of speaking to family can be found online at
This is a reminder to get up-to-date on your COVID-19 boosters. The XBB 1.5 updated boosters are NOW available. I got mine and I encourage you to join me!
Consult this page for information about where you can get vaccinated.
In solidarity,
Dr. Jill Andrew
MPP Toronto-St. Paul's