Community News Update - January 6, 2023

Dear Community,

We had a brief power outage that effected the area between Yonge and St. Clair east of Avenue Rd. Power seems to still be out in parts of the city and Toronto Hydro says they still haven't fixed the problem, so keep a flashlight nearby just in case.

According to the Ontario Medical Association, we are faced with a severe shortage of doctors. That's why I want to renew my objection to the proposed demolition of the Balmoral Medical Arts Facility near Yonge and St. Clair, which threatens to evict dozens of doctors serving our community. All this to accommodate yet another luxury condo.

I remain steadfast in my commitment to needed development, particularly along bustling transit corridors, but it must be development that meets actual community needs and doesn't just line developer's pockets.

Last month I wrote to health minister Sylvia Jones, housing minister Steve Clark, and Premier Ford objecting to this project.

I'd also like to bring this petition from the Avoca Vale Resident's Association to your attention, I hope you'll consider signing and stay tuned for future developments.

If you have your own story of support you'd like to voice about 1366 Yonge Street, please reply to this email.

Earlier this week, John Tory unveiled details of the city’s 2023 budget. While certain expenditures are certainly welcome, including an increase to library funding, I share in our community’s concern with another increase to the city’s topline item; the Toronto Police Service.

The mayor announced a proposed increase of close to $50 million, topping up last year’s total budget of over $1billion. This increase would be one thing if there was any proof that police keep people and communities safe, or even rein in crime. But there isn’t. Meanwhile, what is proven to do so – such as investments into affordable and supportive housing, mental health resources, and community programming, to name just a few – are less funded at its expense and unable to meet the core needs of Torontonians. 

Of course, the impact isn’t equally felt. Over and over, it’s been shown that racialized communities are those that pay the price – not only in a lack of community-based supports, but in the ongoing systemic and too-often violent racism within the Toronto Police Service. This is something they’ve acknowledged themselves but sadly, no dollar amount has ever fixed.
From the provincial side, myself and our Ontario NDP continue to advocate to end police violence and reinvest in communities. Read our full policy paper here.  

Lastly, I will be hosting my annual New Year's check in via zoom on January 10 at 7 PM. Anyone who lives in Toronto-St. Paul's can attend to let me know about an issue you think is important., ask some questions about the provincial government, or just chat. If you would like to attend, you can RSVP here, we will e-mail you a zoom link on the day of the check-in.

In Solidarity, 

Jill Andrew
Toronto-St. Paul's



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