Community News Update - November 29, 2024

Dear Community, 

Ontario's arts, culture, and heritage sector is essential to Ontarian's quality of life, cultural identity, social and community well-being, and economic prosperity. The sector on the whole contributes over $26 billion annually to Ontario's GDP and creates roughly 300,000 jobs. On Wednesday, December 4th, I'll be giving the government an opportunity to say YES or NO to increasing arts, culture, and heritage funding.

You're invited to watch the debate! I'll be hosting a reception from 4 to 5:30 PM at Queen's Park  (110 Wellesley St W).  Guests will then be invited to watch the debate in the Members' Gallery at 6 PM.


The arts and culture sector has been sounding the alarm for years. The sector is at risk of collapse without urgent, sustainable funding. We can't afford to lose more invaluable programming, community festivals, and jobs. Let's show up for our arts, culture, and heritage organizations and the workers at the heart of this sector!

Add your name below and tell Doug Ford to vote YES to Motion 149 and invest in arts, culture, and heritage!



In today's newsletter:

Recognizing that it's impossible to capture a full week of news in a single newsletter, please see the highlights below:

  • Jill at Queen's Park
  • Jill in Community
  • Upcoming events and more!



International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls 

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, I was proud to join Ontario Association of Interval & Transition Houses for their annual #WrappedInCourage breakfast at Queen's Park. Each year, we wear purple to remember the women and girls lost to femicide. Each was a life that should still be here.

I will continue to demand that this government release funding to support survivors and prevent further tragedy. We need real investment in affordable housing, including supportive and transitional housing, and shelter beds, investment in health care and mental health supports, action to fix our court system, and more. Enough is enough!

Thank you to the entire team at OAITH and the workers representing organizations from across Ontario who came to Queen's Park today. I was honoured to be invited to speak. Your ongoing advocacy is deeply important but as I said this morning, you shouldn't *have* to be here year after year doing this work.


Following the reception, I joined colleagues and representatives from Your Way Forward, a collective of legal service providers that support clients who've experienced gender-based violence, for a press conference. We renewed our call for better access to justice for survivors & for this government to FINALLY pass our Bill 173 and declare Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic.

Silenced at Queen's Park

During Question Period, I was SILENCED and KICKED OUT of the legislature for questioning this government's FAILURE to address IPV. But I will NOT stay quiet when it comes to the safety of women and children in this province. The conservatives have had FOUR chances to pass our Bill 173 and declare Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) an epidemic, and they refuse to do so!

This government is actively trying to avoid the epidemic of intimate partner violence and the ever-growing list of femicides. ONE HUNDRED municipalities in Ontario have declared Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic. Nova Scotia passed the same bill in ONE day! This govt NEEDS to step up! No more games, no more platitudes. Just get it done.


Thank you NOW Toronto and Devin Banfield for covering this story. You can read more by click here. Thank you to Katie Nicholson of CBC for your coverage as well. You can watch the segment here

Vigil for the Victims of IPV and Femicide

Monday evening, I attended a vigil for victims of intimate partner violence and femicide. 

We MUST remember they are our friends, sisters, daughters, cousins, colleagues, bosses, children, parents, and grandparents. While intimate partner violence does not discriminate, it does disproportionately impact women, girls, and BIPOC women. Black, Indigenous, and racialized women and girls must deal with the ongoing legacy of colonialism and systemic racism while relying on support from a justice system that was not built to serve them. 

We cannot forget them and we MUST continue to fight for them at Queen's Park and in our communities. 



My Response to Metrolinx's Announcement

Metrolinx expects the LRT will open next year. Here in St. Paul's, we'll believe it when we see it. Software flaws have caused further delays? Next it will be Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer napping on the tracks! What we do know to be true is that the Eglinton LRT is 13 years old - a teenager!

We've got places to go and people to see!

I'm going to continue to demand a public inquiry into this billions over budget and years delayed Eglinton Crosstown LRT mess. 

Our community members and local business owners here in St. Paul's deserve so much better. 

Click here to read more. 


Ban Abusive AGI's and Protect Tenants 

The Ford govt must BAN ABUSIVE AGIs and protect tenants NOW!

Click here to watch my question to the government on why they continue to allow Corporate Landlords to use AGIs to gouge tenants—during an affordability and housing crisis no less.

Corporate landlords apply for nearly 90% of all AGIs filed to the LTB. Whilst Mom-and-pop operations barely make up 1 PER CENT of all applications.

To be clear, small mom-and-pop operations are NOT the problem. They aren't the ones creating backlogs at the LTB with their excessive AGI requests. They aren't the ones abusing a loophole that this conservative government has left open.

To improve housing affordability, we need a ban on AGIs, rent control on ALL BUILDINGS, an end to Vacancy Decontrol, and a real plan to build more Affordable Housing!


END Cash-for-Access Politics in Ontario

The Ford government has voted AGAINST our motion this week calling for an END to cash-for-access pay-to-play politics! In so doing, the government is allowing its ministers to host fundraisers that cost upwards of $1000 per ticket from the VERY folks they are meant to represent.

When the former Liberal government did this, the conservatives called them out and swore cash-for-access had no place in Ontario's politics. Yet here's Ford doing the EXACT same thing and doubling down on his party's decision to limit who has access to them!

All this while 234,000 Ontarians are experiencing Homelessness and a MILLION Ontarians are tied to food banks. Ford is playing politics with the highest bidders while ignoring the Ontarians this government should be listening to!

Click here to watch my full statement. 


Fairbank Public School Holiday Concert at Queen's Park

What a wonderful way to start the holiday season! I’m thrilled to welcome Fairbank Public School’s junior choir from Toronto-St.Paul's to Queen’s Park today as they sing everyone’s favorite holiday tunes!

Thank you Ms. Kaarto for inspiring the next generation of singers! It’s truly inspiring to see our youth embrace the arts, given its profound impacts on a child’s development in subjects like math, science, and social studies.



Hope for Refugees International

Yesterday I had the honour of saying opening remarks at Hope for Refugees International - HRI Voices for Change event.

It is such a shame the conservative government continue to play politics and not declare intimate partner violence an epidemic! Women and children’s lives are on the line, ESPECIALLY newcomers and refugees who face multiple barriers such as limited access to government services, housing insecurity, language barriers and social isolation.

Thank you Hope for Refugees International for raising awareness on this very important matter!



Friends of Standing Together 

Last weekend, I stood alongside the many courageous members and Friends of Standing Together Canada to call for an immediate ceasefire, an END to occupation, the return of ALL hostages BRING THEM HOME NOW, an arms embargo on Canadian weapons to Israel, the need to uphold international law, and an END to the divisiveness, rising antisemitism and islamophobia that brings fear, feelings of isolation, and frustration to many in our community.

Following 414 days of unthinkable destruction, countless innocents murdered, millions displaced, and millions more living in fear, it is more than clear that WAR HAS NO WINNERS.

Every Jewish, Israeli, Palestinian, Arab and Muslim living in St. Paul's and across our province has a right to be safe. They have a right to live without fear. The disproportionate rise in Antisemitism and Islamophobia following Oct 7 is unacceptable. It is vile and hate-fueled. We must come together to combat this. We cannot only stand for our own people, our own backyards. We must stand together. We cannot be silent.

Thank you, Karen, John, Jamie, Mike, and everyone who invited me to speak alongside them as they lent their voices in a collective call for peace. Your words, your stories, and your courageous efforts are deeply appreciated and respected. I look forward to us continuing to spread the message of solidarity at the Standing Together peaceful gathering that we will be hosting here at home in Toronto-St. Paul's in the near future.



St. Matthew's United Church 100th Anniversary

Last weekend we celebrated the 100th anniversary of St. Matthew's United Church. On Nov 23, 1924, St. Matthew’s (then called St. Clair Methodist Church) officially opened its beautiful Renaissance Revival Sanctuary, designed by Wickson & Gregg.

I am so deeply thankful to Rev. Brigid Maya and special guest speaker Rev. Eleanor Scarlett who shared her powerful story of coming here to Toronto decades ago. She didn’t find the warmest welcome at several other churches but St. Matt’s welcomed her with open arms in 1990. Rev Maya, Robin, Betsy, Dr. Jessen, Elder Catherine, Tamara the entire congregation we are so thankful for the warmth and the acceptance you show each one of us when we enter your doors. I am truly thankful.

It was wonderful also to have my mom join for some of this weekends celebration. Fun fact: I was baptized at St. Matt’s as a baby and have many fond (and not so fond lol) memories of sitting in church wearing those incredibly itchy crochet socks, taffeta dresses, and little patent dress shoes my mom would so proudly dress me in. My little head filled with bubbles and ribbons I’d liken to a little Christmas tree.




Hillcrest Village BIA Public Consultation

The Hillcrest Village BIA is hosting a Public Consultation Zoom Meeting on Friday, December 6th, 2024 at 3 PM. The consultation is on the proposed redevelopment of City property in front of #803-815 St Clair Avenue West. 

The proposal is to replace the existing steps with a gradually sloping access walkway and to also replace the existing concrete planters with a lower planting area and seating, while maintaining existing trees. 

The Zoom meeting will give you the opportunity to see the design prepared by PLANT Architect, to ask questions, and give feedback. Click here for the Zoom link. 


Dupont Arts Market

Join your fellow Toronto-St.Paul's constituents Bliar and Miriam at Dupont Arts Studio this weekend for original art, handmade jewelry, and handwoven clothing! 

Date: Saturday November 30th 12-5 PM and Sunday December 1st 12-5 PM
Location: 915 Dupont Street, Toronto, ON M6H 1Z1


TDSB Learn4Life Registration Now Open!

Join thousands of adults and seniors this winter and register for a general interest course or senior’s program to develop new skills and interests! All courses are offered through the Learn4Life Program, run by the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). Winter registration is now open, and courses start January 11, 2025. There are so many exciting classes to choose from like: Making Your Home Smarter, Classics of Horror, Wood Carving Introduction, Strength for Life – Full Body Fitness, and Portugal’s Iconic Pastel de Nata Workshop.

Visit  to learn more and register today for both in-person and online program! If you're interested in volunteering opportunities with Friends of Learn4Life, please email [email protected]


Central Eglinton Community Centre Older Adults Holiday Lunch

Central Eglinton Community Centre is hosting their Older Adults Holiday Lunch at a new location this year at 110 Eglinton Ave East. The new location is to accommodate the demand from our older adult community for this popular event!

The lunch is taking place December 13th from 12 pm to 3 pm just four days away from Central Eglinton Community Centre. 

Come have a FREE festive meal and enjoy live entertainment!

Please RSVP with reception at 416-392-0511, ext. 0. 


2024 Humewood Community Scholarship Fund

We are very pleased to start our 6th Annual Humewood Community Scholarship Fundraising Drive! Our fundraising goal again this year is $5,000 and the campaign will continue until December 31, 2024
This scholarship was specifically designed for young mothers in the community who use the impressive range of parenting support and educational services offered at the Humewood and Broadview Campuses of the Abiona Centre For Infant & Early Mental Health. As a result of last year’s fundraising drive, $1,000 was dispersed to each of the 6 young moms who met the scholarship criteria.
Over the last 5 years, a total of 28 young mothers have received the Humewood Community Scholarships to pursue post-secondary education at accredited colleges and universities. We thank you so much, because these were funds that you, the community, contributed for the scholarship! All the funds that we raise go directly to the scholarship recipients.
TO DONATE, please click on the link below: or click here or scan the QR code at the bottom left of the banner.  A donation of any amount is very much appreciated. Donations of $20 and over will receive a tax receipt. Please note that the CanadaHelps website may take a few extra seconds to load.
Thank you in advance for the community’s continued support for this initiative. Special thanks to MPP Jill Andrew, City Councillor Josh Matlow, and St. Matthew’s United for their help in sharing information about The Humewood Community Scholarship Fundraiser.


Learn to Prevent an Overdose

Each year across Ontario, thousands of lives are lost to overdoses. We need every level of government to prioritize implementing harm reduction strategies to combat these senseless deaths, and you can help.

As many of you know, Naloxone is a medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, and these kits are FREE with training at participating pharmacies across the city. Together, we can prevent unnecessary deaths and work toward a more compassionate society that is safe safe for everyone.

Find a pharmacy with Naloxone kits near you, and make sure you can recognize the signs of an overdose.



In solidarity, 

Dr. Jill Andrew, PhD

MPP, Toronto-St. Paul's




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