Community News Update - October 25, 2024

Dear Community, 

On Monday, MPPs returned to Queen's Park after Ford's 19-week recess. I am excited to be back to stand up to Ford and continue fighting in the legislature for everyone in our communities. We've returned laser-focused on the issues that matter to you, community. From housing to health, you deserve a government that makes things easier, NOT harder. 

While the Conservatives were preoccupied with their fantasy projects like tunneling under the 401 and ripping up bike lanes, I tabled a motion to eliminate hospital parking fees that will make things a little easier for health care workers, patients, and their families and called on the government to adequately fund our hospitals. You can watch me ask the government to support my motion here

Nobody deserves to be stuck with thousands of dollars worth of bill for visiting a sick loved one. When you're getting chemo, managing chronic health conditions, and just trying to keep up with your medical appointments, parking costs should never be a barrier. In the GTA alone, the average cost of monthly hospital parking pass is about $400

Our hospitals are grossly underfunded. They shouldn't need to raise money to provide the care everyone deserves. Why make a stressful time even harder on people by adding additional fees? The Premier made his allegiances very clear while giving a press conference today, claiming CEOs would be upset with him if he took away the revenue. How charming!

This is a simple and straightforward measure to make hospital visits just a little less stressful for patients, and less expensive for the people who work there. The government should pass this today. 

Click here to add your name.


In today's newsletter:

Recognizing that it's impossible to capture a full week of news in a single newsletter, please see the highlights below: 

  • Invitation to my Halloween Open House
  • REMINDER: Political prose & poetry contest
  • Jill at Queen's Park
  • Days of Significance
  • Jill in Community
  • Upcoming events and more!


You're Invited! Trick-or-Treat with MPP Andrew

Come Trick-or-Treat at my office! You're invited to join me for a Halloween Open House on Thursday, October 31st from 6 to 8 PM. Come for a spooky evening of treats, community conversations, and skele-fun! Costumes are strongly encouraged — the best will be featured in next week's newsletter!

Click here to RSVP. 

Can't join us? That's okay! Email us a picture of your Halloween costume or decorations for a chance to be featured in next week's newsletter and on my socials. Photos can be sent to [email protected]. The deadline to be included in the newsletter is Friday, November 1st at noon. 


REMINDER: Have Your Writing Read at Queen's Park

I'll be back at Queen's Park in just over a week! This is a reminder that I'm inviting members of our community to submit your 90 second poetry or prose! If you're one of the fabulous folks selected, I will read your words into the legislature - giving you credit, of course. It's a great way for every MPP in Ontario to hear firsthand just how talented we are as a community and hear the issues that matter to us. And hey, just maybe some politicians who have a hard time hearing the truth may take a second listen if it's artistically presented!

Now there's a catch - your prose needs to be about one of the following topics (in no specific order):

  • Housing 
  • Climate Justice
  • Education 
  • Transportation
  • Affordability
  • Homelessness
  • Workers

Or another issue that matters deeply to you that's relevant to provincial politics. 

Please keep in mind it's only 90 seconds. Me and my office team will be in touch if your piece is selected to be read in the legislature. You will be invited to the legislature where you can see me present it. If you can't make it, not to fear, my office will send you a video clip of your piece going down in history!

Please send submissions to:
[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]


DEADLINE: November 1st, 2024



Question Period

As my first order of business back in the legislature, I rose in Question Period to ask the government why we STILL don't have an opening date for the Eglinton Crosstown LRT. Metrolinx is in complete disarray. Two senior staffers assigned to oversee the project were recently let go. Why should the public be expected to trust that they'll see this project through to completion?

We need a public inquiry and a CLEAR opening timeline that we can hold them accountable to now.

Click here to see me grilling the government in Question Period. 


Ontario Medical Association

Upon my return to Queen’s Park I had the privilege of reconnecting with the Ontario Medical Association! In Toronto-St. Paul's, the top health concern for community members is the lack of family doctors! The Ontario Medical Association has solutions and they are EAGER to work with the Ontario government to implement them to help support urban and rural patients.



Harm Reduction Die-In Demonstration

On Monday I attended the die-in in front of Queen’s Park protesting Premier Fords plan to shut down 10 consumption treatment sites.

Make no mistake this decision not based on ANY research will cost lives especially during a toxic drug supply and overdose crisis. Ford’s decision undermines healthcare and will only worsen the shame and stigma surrounding many who are seeking help.

The Ontario Association of Architects' Annual Queen's Park Picks

Earlier this week, I attended the Ontario Association of Architects' annual Queen's Park Picks! This year's theme was Housing. I was proud to nominate Na-Me-Res (Native Men's Residence) Sagatay in our Toronto--St. Paul's community and was delighted they were selected to be recognized as one of this year's picks! Steve Teekens and the Na-Me-Res team do invaluable work and their built presence is a beautiful addition to our community.

It was also wonderful to meet Charles Rosenberg, a local Toronto--St. Paul's community member & Principal Architect at Hilditch Architect Inc, whose portfolio includes Sagatay. It was wonderful to chat and learn more about this project and ways to build affordable housing in our communities.



Intimate Partner Violence Rally at Queen's Park

On Monday, I was proud to join Cait Alexander and community members at Queen's Park for the Voice Against Violence rally. We've been calling on this government to declare Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic in Ontario, and it's time they listen. They must also pass laws to better protect survivors and victims and reform our court system to ensure every survivor can seek justice in a system that too often fails to hold abusers accountable. 


Rally and Ride for Road Safety

On Wednesday community members, MPP's and I told Doug Ford to stay in HIS lane. Safe streets save lives and if he really wanted to reduce congestion, he'd finish the Eglinton LRT and properly fund public transportation.

Thanks to everyone from Toronto-St. Paul's and beyond who came out to the Rally & Ride to say NO to Ford's bike lane schemes.



Kerry's Place Autism Services

Kerry's Place Autism Services came to Queen's Park to advocate on behalf of people across Ontario! 28 thousand people with development disabilities are stuck on wait lists and 73 thousand families are waiting for OAP funding. This is unacceptable! People like Stephanie advocate for people experiencing employment discrimination which disproportionately impacts people w developmental disabilities! Many thanks to Toronto-St. Paul's very own Stephanie for your amazing work! Kerry's Place continues to present housing and service solutions! They just need the government of Ontario to act!



Ontario Midwives

I had an opportunity to speak with Ontario Midwives yesterday at Queen’s Park. Midwives are healthcare professionals and they are INTEGRAL to Ontario’s healthcare and must be treated like RESPECTED partners in care not disrespected with base funding frozen for approximately 15 years. Health critic MPP France Gélinas definitely reminded the government members at yesterday’s gathering of what their government needs to do to support midwives in our province - especially disproportionately under resourced rural and northern communities.

Midwives are experts in pregnancy and birth and Ontario families and people giving birth depend on them. The Ford government has the power to make it easier for individuals to access midwives! Properly fund these health care professionals and I strongly suggest this government NEVER take midwives to court again!



Meeting with Alzheimer's Society of Ontario

Earlier this week, I met with the Alzheimer's Society of Ontario to discuss the need for more support for Alzheimer's patients in this province. Thank you to Dave and Adam for meeting with me!


Meeting with Moosehide Campaign

On Thursday, we met with the organizers from the Moosehide Campaign at Queen's Park. Moosehide is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement fighting for an end to gender-based violence. Thank you to campaign co-Founder, Raven, and team for bringing your campaign to Queen's Park and your commitment to Bill 173, The Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act, 2024. 


Rally to Raise the Rates

I was proud to stand alongside my ONDP colleagues, MPP Lise Vaugeois and MPP Chris Glover to call on Ford's government to raise the rates. ODSP and OW is legislated poverty, doubling the rates immediately would be a step toward treating people with dignity and respect. The people of Ontario deserve better. 

Click here to watch MPP Vaugeois' speech. 


Zambia Independence Day Flag Raising

I was proud to join members of the Zambian diaspora community at Queen's Park today for a flag raising in celebration of 60 years of Zambian independence! Thank you to the Twikatane Benevolent and Cultural Association of Canada for organizing today's event and for the incredibly warm welcome. Today and everyday, let's celebrate the many contributions of the Zambian community to our cultural and economic fabric here in Ontario and beyond. 




Breast Cancer Canada at Queen's Park

Earlier this week, Breast Cancer Canada was at Queen's Park to recognize the importance of breast cancer screening. Screening saves lives! After years of advocacy from the Official Opposition, the Ford government FINALLY lowered the screening age from 50 to 40. This is a concrete example of what can be achieved when we organize and advocate. 


Dress Purple Day

Today is Dress Purple Day, a day to raise awareness about child abuse and neglect. By wearing purple, Ontarians show solidarity with survivors of child abuse and neglect, and raise awareness about the importance of protecting children and providing them with safe and nurturing environments. I encourage community members to wear purple clothing to show your support for the cause.


Small Business Week

This week was Small Business Week, a time to recognize and celebrate the many wonderful small businesses right her in Toronto- St.Paul's! Small businesses continue to be the backbone of our community and I am glad I was able to stop by Nicaroma Café earlier this week in our Oakwood Village BIA neighbourhood! They serve delicious homemade goodies and Nicaraguan cuisine. Thank you for the excellent service!

Community, go show em some love and thank you to our local BIA's, small businesses and entrepreneurs for making St. Paul's truly one of a kind!




Childcare Worker & Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Appreciation Day

Yesterday was Childcare Worker & Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Appreciation Day! Let's recognize all those who hard to care for kids across Ontario. I am continuously in awe at their efforts, and will continue to advocate for all our childcare workers and early childhood educators to receive the fair pay and benefits they deserve.

Special shout out to the team Central Eglinton Community Centre who run the EarlyON program & ALL those who work hard for our Toronto- St.Paul's!



Blackhurst Cultural Centre: Great Day on Bathurst

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to join Blackhurst Cultural Centre's Great Day on Bathurst legacy photograph with the award-winning Michael Chambers. Inspired by the Great Day in Harlem where pioneers in the Black community joined forces to capture a moment in history, we came together to capture our Toronto Black community's journey to a permanent home at 756 Bathurst Street. This was a powerful statement and moment in our history. I was deeply honoured to be invited to take part. 


Tarragon Theatre Production - Interior Design

Bravo Tarragon Theatre and congratulations on the world premier of Interior Design written by Rosa Laborde and directed by Kat Sandler. The cast was fabulous and I literally found parts of me in each of your characters. What an incredible play that left an indelible mark on my heart. Good friendships, lasting ones are incredibly hard to find. And when you do they can be beautiful. Part of that beauty is also the complexities, the ‘messiness’, the uncertainties along the journey. Our lives have many chapters. Some of them have challenged some of my closest friends - many of us going through life-altering circumstances. Some of us suffered unbearable losses while also leaning into undeniable joy. Without giving the entire play away I’d simply say it’s a must see - and bring some friends while you’re at it!


Leala Hewak's Book Launch

Yesterday I was honoured to attend Toronto- St.Paul's based artist Leala Hewak’s book launch and multimedia exhibition TOO FUN at Urbanspace Gallary! Leala’s exhibit runs until December 21st!

Hewak’s photography is a prime example of the cultural powerhouse the Ontario Science Centre and architect Raymond Moriyama truly are! It’s DEVASTATING the science centre has been reduced to a display at a shopping mall because Ford’s top priority is putting insiders and not Ontario’s children FIRST!




Nadia Hohn's Book Launch for Getting us to Grandma's

It was an incredible honour to join Nadia Hohn for the launch of her TENTH book Getting us to Grandma's at our local Oakwood Village Library! Nadia is an incredible educator, school librarian, author, storyteller, AND performer! Today’s launch was nothing short of a multi-disciplinary arts showcase as it included singing, call and response, piano playing, an author reading and more! Having known Nadia in community for over 20 years, it has been incredible to see her continue to shine AND still find time to give back to the many communities her work touches - including ours here in Toronto-St.Paul's. Congratulations Nadia! This launch was also sponsored by Another Story Bookshop! THANK YOU Anjula Gogia and team!

Our school curriculum here in Ontario MUST feature MORE books by Ontario authors like Nadia and so many others who are telling our local and culturally relevant stories.




St. Hilda's Opening

I was honoured to attend the opening of St. Hilda's this afternoon in our Dufferin and Eglinton community! St. Hilda's started out as an Anglican parish and later transformed into one of Toronto's first seniors housing providers in the 1970s. For the past five years, St. Hilda's has been going through a deep retrofit to improve the building for its tenants - a project made possible by the City of Toronto, Province of Ontario and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and run by WoodGreen Community Services!

Thank you for having me at this wonderful occassion!


13 Division Prayer Walk

While I was at Queen's Park this week, my community office staff attended the 13 Division Prayer Walk co-hosted by the BMEC Church community. Thank you to the organizers for putting on this important event. We must continue to call for an end to violence everywhere. I hope I can join you in person next time!


Human(e): A radical reimagining of grief, loss, and learning to live without

On Wednesday I attended Rachelle Bensoussan’s Human(e): A radical reimagining of grief, loss, and learning to live without. It was incredible! Especially over the last few yrs I’ve spoken to many in our community navigating grief. This book offers a refreshing, decolonized, stigma-free take on it!

Rachelle, thank you for the gift of your work and for providing us with grief literacy and a ‘path’ in, around, through, and with grief. Grief is not our enemy. It is NOT a pathogen in need of a cure. It is not something we should be ashamed of and it surely cannot and should not be rushed. We can learn, grow, organize, and build profound connections in grief and so much more - or less! It’s also okay to sit still in it… for a while. It’s never a one experience fits all. The sooner our society and to a great extent our policy makers realize this the sooner we can lead with more compassion in communities riddled with everyday and systemic losses of all types.

Thank you for your brilliance Rachelle and most important your heart and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!


Oakwood Vaughan Tenant Union Fall BBQ

Had a great time visiting community members at the Oakwood Vaughan Tenant Union's Fall BBQ at Cy Townsend Park this weekend! The province must do more to support renters, including the implementation of real rent control and a ban on abusive AGIs. Thank you community for a great afternoon!


Oakwood Village BIA's Pumpkin Giveaway and Costume Parade

I had SO much fun at the Oakwood Village BIA's Pumpkin Giveaway and Costume Parade this weekend! It was so great to see our community out celebrating and enjoying the excellent fall weather. I loved this young one's amazing Wednesday costume and had a blast posing with Thing!

Thank you to the whole BIA team for putting on this incredible event for our local community!


Sukkot Mindfulness Gathering at Beth Tzedec

On Sunday I joined members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ Jewish community for a Sukkot mindfulness gathering in the Sukkah at Beth Tzedec Congregation. It was a beautiful space of song, meditation, reflection and togetherness. Thank you to Aviva Chernick, Spiritual Leader and Artist in Residence at Beth Tzedec, and the rest of the community present for such a warm welcome! And the soup and other goodies were incredible!


St Michael and All Angels Clothing Bank

I has a wonderful start to my Saturday at St. Michael & All Angels Clothing Bank! Thank you to everyone in our community who donated and to Laypastor Jenni Feheley and ALL the volunteers who've worked so hard to make this event a success!




Free Information Session: All about the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

Free information session:
All about the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
Canada’s unique RDSP is a savings tool that people with disabilities can use to save for their future. During this session, learn how to open this long-term savings plan and hear how to access the federal government’s matching grants, and for low- and modest-income individuals, the bonds.
Proudly presented by IC Savings, a community credit union in the heart of Hillcrest Village.
Who should attend

  • People with disabilities
  • Family members and friends
  • Caregivers

Date: November 8, 2024, from 1 to 2pm
Location: Aviv Immigrant Kitchen, 779 St. Clair Avenue West at Arlington
Registration: While free to attend, space is limited. Register by calling the branch at (647) 504-0637.
To learn more about the credit union, visit Download the event flyer here.
About Our Presenter: Mike Ivkovic, Regional Manager, Wealth Management, IC Savings

Mike Ivkovic is a certified financial planner with more than 20 years’ experience in financial services. As a supporter of financial literacy, Mike has partnered with community groups to deliver literacy programs across the province.


Peach Berserk Caricature and Screenprinting Party

On Saturday, November 2nd, local St. Paul's community member and famous caricature artist, Alma and her friend, Kingi of Peach Berserk Studio will be running a caricature art and screenprinting event on Saturday, November 2nd. 

Alma will create your caricature suitable for framing and Kingi will help you put your drawing on a silk screen. Then, they'll print your caricature on 2 t-shirts and a totebag. The whole artistic process takes less than 1 hour and is so much fun!

Contact Kingi for details: 647-740-1141

Click here for tickets and to learn more!


Join the Pumpkin Parade

The Wychwood Barns Community Association is hosting their annual Pumpkin Parade on Friday, November 1st from 6 to 9 PM at Wychwood Barns Park. Come join them!


Join a Gospel Choir

There's a new community gospel choir starting up in our neighbourhood! The choir is meeting at St Clair Avenue Baptist Church on Thursday nights from 7 to 9 PM. 

For more information, email [email protected]


A Matter of Justice: Climate Change in Black Communities in the GHTA

Please join Dr. Ingrid Waldron (Professor and HOPE Chair in Peace and Health, Global Peace and Social Justice Program, Faculty of Humanities, McMaster University) and her team for the screening of the new documentary A Matter of Justice: Climate Change in Black Communities in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

This documentary is based on a project she is conducting to build capacity around climate change in Black communities in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. The project builds on the expertise and lived experiences of Black peoples to increase their awareness about the impacts of climate change on Black communities and to develop their preparedness for climate change impacts and devastation in their communities. The documentary provides a revealing look at the social, economic, political, and geographical factors that create disproportionate exposure and vulnerability of Black communities to climate devastation.

Dr. Waldron will deliver a presentation on her project findings after the screening of the documentary.
Free catered meal
Free entry
Toronto Screening
Date:               Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time:               6-9 pm
Location:         Cecil Community Centre
58 Cecil Street, Toronto
Register for Toronto Screening:


Inkspire: Oakwood Drop-in Services

Join the For Youth Initiative (FYI) at 504 Oakwood Avenue for the launch of Inkspire.

Who Can Apply? This is a creative writing, journaling and visual arts club for students ages 14-18. 

Learn more about FYI's programs here.  


Songs for Hope - An Evening of Music and Giving, in support of Seeds of Hope

Check out Song of Hope, an evening of music and giving on October 26th at the Drake Underground at 6:30 PM in support of the Seeds of Hope Foundation

The evening will feature:

  • Sisters & Brothers - a much-loved musical trio that has over a decade of experience performing together in front of audiences across the city. 
  • Every Second Tuesday - Toronto's premiere Dive Bar Band, bringing classic rock of the 60s and 70s back to our collective consciousness (after all, if you can't remember the 60s, you weren't really there!)

Click here for tickets!

Seeds of Hope is a registered Toronto charity that has been making tremendous impact for over 16 years. Its initiatives have helped many to overcome homelessness and livelihood challenges. 


Learn to Prevent an Overdose!

Each year across Ontario, thousands of lives are lost to overdoses. We need every level of government to prioritize implementing harm reduction strategies to combat these senseless deaths, and you can help.

As many of you know, Naloxone is a medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, and these kits are FREE with training at participating pharmacies across the city. Together, we can prevent unnecessary deaths and work toward a more compassionate society that is safe for everyone.

Find a pharmacy with Naloxone kits near you, and make sure you can recognize the signs of an overdose.



In Solidarity, 

Dr. Jill Andrew, PhD
MPP, Toronto-St. Paul's

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