Community News Update - August 16, 2023

It was a hot day made hotter as workers, leaders in labour, and allies came through St. Paul's, in solidarity for TVO and Metro workers!

Starting at the solidarity rally for TVO workers, we meant SOLIDARITY. Workers, leaders in labour, and allies came through to tell Doug Ford to FUND TVO LIKE IT MATTERS! Because it does! And it doesn’t happen without TVO workers who’ve been kept down, with over a DECADE of wages WELL below inflation and back to back temporary contracts (meaning no benefits). They are rightfully saying Enough Is Enough and rising up for what they deserve! Permanent positions and wages that cover a fast rising cost of living.

We then headed up the block to stand up with Metro workers who continue striking for their fair share of the fruits of THEIR labour. In other words, the billions of dollars of profit the grocery chain is raking in? It’s not JUST for CEOs & shareholders. It’s for the workers who CREATE them. And until a deal reflects that ask, we will keep fighting back against this corporate attack.

Thank you, community for showing up and out for better! Because better for these workers is better for ALL workers.

Meanwhile, Ford's anti-worker attacks are threatening students' back to school plans as they once again fail to bring a fair deal to the table for elementary and secondary school teachers across the province. 

Both the Elementary Teacher Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and Ontario Secondary School Teacher Federation (OSSTF) have said that the Ford government is failing to get to the bargaining table with a fair deal that addresses years of stifled wages (thanks to Bill 124), oversized classrooms, and working conditions that actually facilitate teaching and learning. 

While Minister Lecce would love to deflect blame onto anyone but the government, I know you know that should there be another disruption to the school year, it is entirely on this government. I sincerely hope it doesn't reach this point and best believe your Ontario NDP will be holding this government to account for teachers, students, and families to ensure it doesn't.

On a more exciting note, Rastafest kicks off tomorrow in Little Jamaica as Canada's largest celebration of Rastafari Heritage and Culture. Just a few blocks away, the Nia Centre will also be hosting a Holistic and Wellness Workshop tomorrow afternoon as part of the festival. From 2-10pm, you're invited to the Jah Healing and Wellness Retreat to learn about traditional Rastafari practices around herbalism, meditation, nutrition, drumming, and more.

Check out full details and reserve your spot here. For more details on the full Rastafest line-up, click here.

If you have donations to spare, please consider bringing them down to Marian Engel Park on Saturday between 11AM - 1PM! If you need some extra groceries, come on down no questions asked (we have tote bags)!

Mark your calendars! Bloom Bar Studio is hosting a COMEDY CABARET on Thursday, September 28. Tickets are $20 and include one drink.

See below for more information!

The Vaughan-Oakwood (VO) Youth Network, a youth and volunteer-led network working to strengthen the Vaughan-Oakwood community, is hosting their community basketball tournament this September 30, 2023. Registration is now open to compete in the tournament! You must be aged 15-21 to apply. Register at Application deadline is August 18, 2023.

Each year across Ontario, thousands of lives are lost to overdoses. We need every level of government to prioritize implementing harm reduction strategies to combat these senseless deaths, and you can help.

As many of you know, Naloxone is a medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, and these kits are FREE with training at participating pharmacies across the city. Together, we can prevent unnecessary deaths and work toward a more compassionate society that is safe safe for everyone.

Find a pharmacy with Naloxone kits near you, and make sure you can recognize the signs of an overdose.

In Solidarity, 

Jill Andrew
Toronto-St. Paul's

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