Community News Update - December 18, 2020
Dear Community
A housekeeping note: This will be my final newsletter of 2020, and they will return in the week of January 18, 2021.
I want to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. While I know that this year the holidays are going to be a lot different than they normally are, it’s important to remember that the sacrifices that we make now to stay safe will save lives.
So let’s all commit to wearing our masks, washing our hands, and doing everything in our power to slow the spread of COVID-19. With vaccines beginning to arrive, there is an end in sight to this global pandemic, but we’re going to have to wait a little longer to get there. I have no doubt that our community is committed to this fight, and I want to thank everyone for the sacrifices that you’ve made in your own personal lives for the good of our community.
Regarding the vaccine, here is where we currently stand. We received news today that Canada has secured another 500,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine in early January, and the federal government has stated that approximately 375,000 Canadians will be vaccinated with the two-dose vaccine by the end of January. It is also being reported that we should see a full 4 million doses of this vaccine arrive in Canada by the end of March.
Throughout the pandemic, I have drawn strength from our incredible community, and one of the ways that I have endeavoured to highlight some positivity in these challenging times is through my Community Hero Award program. This week, I was honoured to present Honey Novick with her award for her incredible work. Honey is a champion of the arts, and is herself a very successful artist and poet – and she is also deeply committed to volunteering her time to a variety of important causes, especially food insecurity in our community.
I want to congratulate Honey once again, and you can see our - physically distanced - award presentation here.
From the beginning of COVID-19, our long-term care homes have been hit hard, and our health care workers have been on the front lines of that fight. Today, I was so glad to be able to join the families and loved ones of residents at Meighen Manor in a celebration of the health care workers who have been looking after the residents there during the pandemic. Our health care workers are truly our heroes, and we all owe them a sincere debt of gratitude for their work.
You can see footage from the event today here.
Happy holidays!
In Solidarity,
Jill Andrew