Community News Update - March 22, 2021

Dear Community,

Starting today, all Ontarians aged 75 years and older are eligible to book their vaccination appointments. If you are eligible to book your vaccination, I would encourage you to do so.

For the Ontario online vaccine booking portal, please click here.

Across Ontario, today we have recorded an additional 1699 cases, with 500 of those cases in Toronto. With today’s new cases, our province’s seven-day rolling average of cases now stands at 1600.

We are now in a third wave of COVID-19 in Ontario, and even though the province has loosened some restrictions in recent days, it is vital that we all continue to work to reduce the spread of the virus in our community. To do this, we must be wearing our masks, washing our hands, and maintaining our physical distancing from anyone not in our households.

An important resource to be aware of for Indigenous folks in our community is Tkaronto Indigenous Vaccine Access, who are working to connect Indigenous folks to local vaccination programs.

They have set up a great website and you can click here to check it out.
At the Legislature today in Question Period, I asked a question of the Premier, demanding to know why no action has been taken against his MPP Sam Oosterhoff, following his highly publicized appearance at an anti-choice event, being organized by a group that has compared legal access to abortion with the Holocaust.

In response, Government Leader Paul Calandra – who is normally no shrinking violet – mumbled a complete non-answer to my question. It’s very clear that this Conservative government does not have the guts to take a real stand on this issue.

Check out my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages tomorrow to watch the video.

COVID-19 has laid bare many long-festering issues in our communities. While these issues were well worth tackling long before the pandemic, we can still hope that COVID-19 will push this government to make some real changes.

One such issue that I’m passionate about is internet accessibility. This pandemic has shown that being able to get online is critical, and for many Ontarians, reliable internet access is still too expensive. I’m very happy to have been connected with an incredible local organization, the Brain Injury Society of Toronto (BIST), who have started a campaign to ensure affordable internet access is guaranteed for anyone receiving ODSP or OW in Ontario.

I’m very happy to be supporting this campaign, and if you’d like to add your name to support this work – here are three way that you can do so:

  1. Click here to add your name.
  2. Click here to sign our full petition.
  3. Click here to download a PDF, so you can print the petition and mail it to my office.

Coming up next week, I’m very excited to be hosting Zanana Akande for a one-on-one interview, that you will be able to watch on my Facebook Live.

Zanana has been a trailblazer in Canadian politics: she was the first Black woman to be elected to the Ontario Legislature, and the first Black woman to serve as a cabinet minister in Canada. We will be discussing a range of topics, and I’d love for you to join us!

This will be happening next Monday, March 29 at 12PM.

If you’re interested in attending, you can RSVP to the event by clicking here.

Finally, I’m very excited to be debuting our new community pet highlight! You can find the section by just scrolling down slightly in this email. If you’re interested in having your pet highlighted next, please simply send in a photo and a short caption that you would like to have accompany the image!

To submit your pet, click here.

In Solidarity,
Jill Andrew
Toronto—St. Paul's

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