Community News Update - September 6, 2023

Dear community,

You've likely seen the news by now: two St. Paul's community members are staring down a completely legal $7000 rent increase all thanks to the Ford government.

We need to continue our fight to bring back REAL rent control!

Why? Because seeing your rent go from $2500/mth to a proposed $3500/mth then to have your landlord demand $9,500/mth for a 2 bedroom apartment is straight up CRIMINAL!
If YOU live in a building built AFTER Nov 15, 2018 your landlord can raise your rent to **whatever they want** and it's legal.
Why is it legal? Because Premier Doug Ford slashed rent control when he became premier. He did this to roll out the red carpet to predatory landlords while also giving a green light to wealthy developers salivating to tear down perfectly sound, purpose built rent controlled buildings so they can build NEW condos that have NO RENT control and frankly most can't afford. Without older full functioning buildings stuck this forces people into these newer condos and leaves them prey to this no-rent control trap!
Read the slides below and check out the CTV article to learn about two tenants right here in St. Paul's who are dealing with a BAD FAITH LANDLORD abusing the system Ford rigged for money-hungry folks just like this landlord to benefit while leaving folks virtually without a home, in debt and with depression and anxiety not knowing what tomorrow holds.
I have stood in the Legislature on countless occasions demanding a ban on abusive above rent guideline increases and demanding RENT CONTROL be returned to ALL buildings. I'm not alone. My colleagues have demanded rent control as well- including Ontario NDPs housing critic and the MPP for University-Rosedale Jessica Bell.

Join me in signing this petition and show Doug Ford and his wealthy landlord cronies we won't stand for exploitation!

Ever since the damaging Auditor General report released, your Ontario NDP has been non-stop in echoing the calls of Ontarians, demanding Steve Clark resign from his post as Minister. 

This weekend, our calls were answered to show that People Power WORKS. Thank you to each person who signed our petitions, shared our calls, wrote to their MPP, talked to a friend, or engaged at all to ensure that government members, especially Ministers, are held accountable to YOU. 

This is just one step of many this government must take to rebuild trust and ethics in government. While we celebrate it, we must continue fighting for all the next ones to come, including returning ALL extracted land to the precious Greenbelt.

Meanwhile, Doug Ford is spinning like a top and is eye-balls high in ‘damage control’ that will continue to damage our province.

Here’s yet another case in point of poor decision-making. We remember just how terrible Ford and Mulroney’s oversight was of the Eglinton LRT construction impacting us residents and also small biz owners in St. Paul's!

PC MPP Caroline Mulroney, K.C. is out as Transportation Minister as Ford desperately tries to change the channel on his Greenbelt corruption scandal that gets worse by the day.
As the President of the Treasury Board Secretariat, Mulroney will now be responsible for managing the government’s fiscal plan – an important job that includes managing government spending and operations.

Here’s some highlights of her record:

  • Mulroney served as Attorney General of Ontario (2018-2019) despite never practicing law in Canada.
  • She voted in favour of using a notwithstanding clause to shrink and interfere with Toronto city council.
  • She used her position to cut basic justice services for low-income Ontarians by 30 per cent, cutting funding for Legal Aid Ontario by $133 million.
  • She was caught up in the corrupt Conservatives’ King’s Counsel scandal, receiving a patronage K.C. designation just three days after being called to the bar.
  • A Minister of Transportation (2019-2023), she oversaw the mismanagement of Eglinton LRT Crosstown, which now has no confirmed opening date
Last session, the Ontario NDP called for Mulroney’s resignation due to her terrible mismanagement of the Transportation file, which has left Ontarians waiting for public transit that feels like it will never arrive.
Mulroney isn’t a good manager. Her record speaks for itself.
Meanwhile, Doug Ford is spinning like a top and is eye-balls high in ‘damage control’ that will continue to damage our province.

Here’s yet another case in point of poor decision-making. We remember just how terrible Ford and Mulroney’s oversight was of the Eglinton LRT construction impacting us residents and also small biz owners in St. Paul's!

PC MPP Caroline Mulroney, K.C. is out as Transportation Minister as Ford desperately tries to change the channel on his Greenbelt corruption scandal that gets worse by the day.
As the President of the Treasury Board Secretariat, Mulroney will now be responsible for managing the government’s fiscal plan – an important job that includes managing government spending and operations.

Here’s some highlights of her record:

  • Mulroney served as Attorney General of Ontario (2018-2019) despite never practicing law in Canada.
  • She voted in favour of using a notwithstanding clause to shrink and interfere with Toronto city council.
  • She used her position to cut basic justice services for low-income Ontarians by 30 per cent, cutting funding for Legal Aid Ontario by $133 million.
  • She was caught up in the corrupt Conservatives’ King’s Counsel scandal, receiving a patronage K.C. designation just three days after being called to the bar.
  • A Minister of Transportation (2019-2023), she oversaw the mismanagement of Eglinton LRT Crosstown, which now has no confirmed opening date
Last session, the Ontario NDP called for Mulroney’s resignation due to her terrible mismanagement of the Transportation file, which has left Ontarians waiting for public transit that feels like it will never arrive.
Mulroney isn’t a good manager. Her record speaks for itself.
As Ford played politricks, I and members of your Ontario NDP joined the Labour Day Parade on Monday to march in solidarity with workers hot off the tail of a HOT labour summer and welcoming an even hotter fall.

It truly has been a year for workers, with workers across all sectors rising up to fight for what the deserve. The best part? They're winning, and with ALL of our solidarity, they'll stay winning.

It was incredible to see our St. Paul's community, labour leaders, friends & colleagues, and of course, WORKERS themselves come together to show whose REALLY boss. Workers are, and don't we dare forget it. 
This weekend, I hosted our annual School Supply Drive in Cy Townsend Park and I was OVERWHELMED with the outpouring of community support our neighbours received! Wow!

It was such a joy to reconnect with so many families, speak to kids about their hopes for the new year ahead, and hear from parents frustrated with a government that continues to disappoint our kids and our teachers. We deserve better.

That said, I'm glad we were able to offer some small respite during a stressful time, bask in the beauty of our St. Paul's community, and enjoy a little ice cream, to boot!
Before heading over to the park, I had to stop by the farmers market at Wychwood Barns and pick up some glorious Ontario apricots!

Soak up the remaining days of summer and make an event of it this coming Saturday as you stock up on produce for the week ahead!
Doing their part to tackle growing food insecurity in our community & beyond, Frankel Lambert Outreach Committee's (FLOC) food table at Marian Engel Park is back this Saturday.

Whether you've got donations to spare or need some extra groceries to get you through the week, come on down between 11AM to 1PM to take what you need and leave what you don't. No questions asked!
Mark your calendars! Bloom Bar Studio is hosting a COMEDY CABARET on Thursday, September 28. Tickets are $20 and include a welcome drink!
Each year across Ontario, thousands of lives are lost to overdoses. We need every level of government to prioritize implementing harm reduction strategies to combat these senseless deaths, and you can help.

As many of you know, Naloxone is a medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, and these kits are FREE with training at participating pharmacies across the city. Together, we can prevent unnecessary deaths and work toward a more compassionate society that is safe safe for everyone.

Find a pharmacy with Naloxone kits near you, and make sure you can recognize the signs of an overdose.
In Solidarity, 

Jill Andrew
Toronto-St. Paul's

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