Lend your labour – NDP Local

Financial donations are always important.

But money isn’t the most valuable thing you can give. Even better: your time, energy, and expertise.

As New Democrats in Toronto-St. Paul’s, we can pool our incredible resources and spread our values of fairness and justice to each block and apartment building in our community.

Tell us a little bit about your skills, and we’ll help you find a way to put those skills to good use.

We’re particularly looking for:

But any skills or lived-experience are welcome! So:

Tell us what you can do!


Welcome to our newsletter!

Our plan: about once a month, we’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest from the NDP riding associations here in Toronto-St. Paul’s. We hope you’ll find it useful. And always, feel free to tell us how we can make it better!
Subscribe now! (You can easily unsubscribe any time)

Presidents’ message: what’s next?

Liz and JamesOur names are Liz Glor-Bell and James Arruda. We’re the presidents of the NDP riding associations here in Toronto St. Paul’s. Liz has been president of the provincial RA for three years, and James has been president of the federal RA since October.

From our points of view, our federal election campaign for Alok Mukherjee was a huge success. We had an impressive outreach to families and individuals in TSP, more volunteers than ever before, and we increased our vote share.

But we want to hear what you thought about our federal campaign. And how we can keep building on Jill Andrew’s incredible success and ensure she’s re-elected in the provincial election — it’s not that far away!

What do you think we should focus on next?

A) The environment
B) Housing costs
C) Ensuring the rich pay their fair share
D) Health: pharmacare and dentacare

Upcoming events

  • Canvassing: Starting Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 6 pm. When we canvass – we win. Sign up here for one of six upcoming canvasses.
  • Jill Andrew’s Holiday Party: Join us for a fun evening of karaoke and community! Friday, Dec. 13, from 6 pm to 9 pm at the Nia Centre for the Arts, 524 Oakwood Ave. Food and refreshments provided. Space is accessible. RSVP here.
  • Volunteer Appreciation Party: Saturday, Dec. 14 from 2 to 6 pm at Dave’s, 730 St Clair Ave W.
  • Concert: Our very own Ross Ashley and the Common Thread Choir will be playing at East Minster United Church (310 Danforth Ave), Saturday, Dec. 14, at 7: 30 pm. The entrance fee is a crisp $25.
  • Fundraiser: Toronto vs. Trans Mountain. Panel discussion, performances, live music and DJed after party. Thursday, Dec. 5 from 7:30 pm at the Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. Details and donate here.

Spread the word…

Help us make our riding associations bigger and stronger. It’s easy to share NDP News with your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbours. Just use one of these links:
Tweet The NDP Local
Email The NDP Local to your friends

…and spread the wealth

No matter how small, your donation will help us rent meeting rooms, print posters, and continue spreading our ideals and vision for a progressive future!

And remember: a $100 donation gets you $75 back in you’re 2019 taxes!
Donate now to the provincial riding association!

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