The Ontario NDP Convention – we were there!

A major thank you to each and every one of you who donated over the past few weeks to help make it possible for Toronto-St. Paul’s to bring over 20 delegates to the ONDP 2019 Convention. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Convention was amazing!

As you might have seen in the news or on the provincial party’s Facebook page, Andrea Horwath unveiled the Ontario NDP’s Green New “Democratic” Deal. This deal is a plan for the future. A plan for Ontarians to have a healthy and safe future to look forward to. A plan that will bring jobs, without damaging our planet!

We voted on members of the executive, resolutions to be put forward and attended many training sessions throughout the weekend. MPP Jill Andrew gave a rousing talk on Saturday at the Ethno-Racial Equity Committee meeting.

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